Hi, I’m Lizzie, and i want to help make being active a whole lot easier for you.


I was a professional dancer, dancing around the world doing the can-can at casinos and chorus lines on cruise ships. Movement and exercise were always a big part of my life.

14 years ago, I hit rock bottom with post-natal depression. I knew, like most of us, that exercise was one of the best things I could do for my mental health. The big problem was, because I was exhausted and struggling mentally, it felt way too hard.

But I made a discovery that changed my mindset (and my life). Taking 2 minutes to get moving was much more achievable and it turns out, research shows these micro movement breaks can make a massive difference to the way our brains and bodies function.

My ‘Two Minute Moves’ are now shared with hundreds and thousands of people around the world to help make exercise possible when it feels impossible.

Companies, schools and conferences use my keynotes, workshops, videos and energiser breaks to keep their workforces, students and attendees focussed, energised and feeling good.

I’m here to help you too.

Lizzie’s keynotes & energisers

Lizzie Williamson, has a toolbox of tips and hacks to help your people get the most out of every workday or conference. Lizzie will motivate and inspire your people to integrate easy and effective micro movement breaks into their day so they can be their most happiest and productive selves.

Watch lizzie’s videos

When exercise feels impossible, Lizzie makes it easy. Whether you’re working on your computer, brushing your teeth, or waiting for the kettle to boil, these Two Minute Moves will make energy-boosting movement part of your everyday.

Join Lizzie’s community of Two Minute Movers!

order lizzie’s books & cards

With easy-to-follow, research-based suggestions for low-effort ways to move more and feel better, workplace wellness expert Lizzie Williamson empowers you to change your perspective on exercise, prioritise active habits and take control of your physical and mental wellbeing at work.


Dubbed by the US media as ‘the excuse-buster from Down-Under’, Lizzie Williamson is the founder and author of Two Minute Moves, Keynote and TEDx speaker, certified personal trainer and a regular fitness presenter on morning television with her work featured on Good Morning America and the Today Show. Through her fun, interactive sessions and energizer breaks, Lizzie inspires her audiences to integrate micro-movement breaks into their day so they can be their most focused, energised and happier selves. She has got hundreds-of-thousand attendees around the world stretching, moving and dancing at conferences featuring President Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Arianna Huffington and the Dalia Lama.

“your body & brain doesn’t care about all the rules you have set up about what exercise and wellness has to look like. your body & brain just want you to move so you can function at your best. let me show you how to make this so much easier.”

— Lizzie Williamson